Telestream Switch 2 Pro Win Handleiding

Lees hieronder de 📖 handleiding in het Nederlandse voor Telestream Switch 2 Pro Win (86 pagina's) in de categorie Softwarelicentie & -uitbreiding. Deze handleiding was nuttig voor 23 personen en werd door 2 gebruikers gemiddeld met 4.5 sterren beoordeeld

Pagina 1/86
User Guide
Switch 2.1 User Guide for Windows
Switch User Guide 182924
February 2016
Preface 7
Copyrights and Trademark Notices 7
Telestream Contact Information 11
Overview 13
Introduction 13
Play License Restrictions 14
Switch Plus Features 14
Switch Pro Features 15
System Requirements 17
Summary of License Features 19
Installing Switch 21
Introduction 21
Installing Switch 21
Windows Error Messages 21
Uninstalling Switch 22
Updating/Activating/Deactivating Switch 22
Opening Switch 22
Opening Files 25
Introduction 25
Opening Files 25
Opening Secondary Files 25
Opening Recent Files 26
Closing Files 26
Media Playback 27
Introduction 27

Product specificaties

Merk: Telestream
Categorie: Softwarelicentie & -uitbreiding
Model: Switch 2 Pro Win
64-bit computing: Ja
Platform: Win
Ondersteunt Mac-besturingssysteem: Nee
Minimale systeemeisen: - 256 MB GPU\n- Direct3D\n- 1280 x 768px\n- 50 Hz
Minimale processor: Core 2 Duo
Minimale RAM: 4096 MB
Minimum processor snelheid: 2400 MHz
Softwaretype: opwaarderen
Aantal licenties: - licentie(s)
Minimum processor familie: Core i3, Core i5, Core i7

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