Miller & Kreisel MP300RC Handleiding

Lees hieronder de 📖 handleiding in het Nederlandse voor Miller & Kreisel MP300RC (20 pagina's) in de categorie Speaker. Deze handleiding was nuttig voor 28 personen en werd door 2 gebruikers gemiddeld met 4.5 sterren beoordeeld

Pagina 1/20
After inventing the subwoofer in 1973 for use
in the mixing of the classic Steely Dan LP Pretzel
Logic and re-inventing it more recently with the
acclaimed X Series, we at M&K Sound knew that
the time was right to raise the stakes once again
with an all-new top of the range series carrying
our new reference logo Miller & Kreisel
Designed and assembled in Denmark, the birthplace of
the dynamic drive unit and of the acoustic sciences, the
S300 Series takes compact reference satellite monitor
power handling, dimensionality and resolution to new
The satellite/subwoofer configuration pioneered by
M&K Sound and refined over the past 40 years allows
the main speakers to be more compact, making high
performance audio available with a far less space-
consuming profile.
As a company founded on professional music and
film recording and High End home entertainment, the
goal for all M&K Sound design work down through
the years has always been accurate and realistic
reproduction of whatever the microphones capture.
As an utterly neutral conduit, the S300 Series neither
adds nor subtracts. It simply reveals.

Product specificaties

Merk: Miller & Kreisel
Categorie: Speaker
Model: MP300RC

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Handleiding Speaker Miller & Kreisel

Handleiding Speaker

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