Balt PBL Handleiding

Lees hieronder de ๐Ÿ“– handleiding in het Nederlandse voor Balt PBL (5 pagina's) in de categorie Niet gecategoriseerd. Deze handleiding was nuttig voor 1006 personen en werd door 2 gebruikers gemiddeld met 4.5 sterren beoordeeld

Pagina 1/5
Assembly Instructions
See back for important information
Adjustable Height
Presentation Stand
P-1 Leg Frame 2 EA
P-2 Stability Panel 2 EA
P-3 Top Platform 1 EA
P-4 Upper Insert 2 EA
P-5 Laptop Platform 1 EA
Tools Required: Philips Head Screw Driver
A Flat Head Screw 16 EA
B Interior Threaded Post 8 EA
C 3โ€ Locking Casters (for Front) 2 EA
D 3โ€ Casters (for Back) 2 EA
E Allen Wrench 1 EA
F Caster Wrench 1 EA
G Knob 2 EA
Part Drawing Description Qty
Adjustable Height Presentation Stand PBL
Hardware List
To Assemble:
1. Identify and Separate all the Parts and
2. Place the Top Platform (P-3) with the
insert nuts facing up. Attach 2 Upper
Inserts (P-4) using 4 Flat Head
screws (A) as shown in illustration # 1.
(Do not tighten the screws all the way).
Part Drawing Description Qty
Do not use unless all screws are tight. At least every six months, check all screws to be sure they are tight.
If parts are missing, broken, damaged, or worn, stop use of the product until repairs are made by your dealer
using factory authorized parts.
Illustration # 1
PBL Adjustable Height
Presentation Stand Assembly Diagram
Note: It is recommended that when attaching stability panels, loosely tighten until all
four screws and thread posts are positioned before fully tightening with Allen Wrench.
Illustration # 2
Attach 2 Stability Panels (P-2)
to 2 Leg Frames (P-1) using 8
Flat Head screws (A) and 8
Interior Threaded Posts (B) as
shown in illustration # 2.
Attach 2 Locking casters (C) in
the front and 2 Casters (D) in
the back. Tighten the Casters
using Caster Wrench (F)]
5. Attach Laptop Platform (P-5) to
2 Leg Frames (P-1) using 4 Flat
Head screws (A).

Product specificaties

Merk: Balt
Categorie: Niet gecategoriseerd
Model: PBL

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Handleiding Niet gecategoriseerd Balt


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